Beaumont General Plan Update
Beaumont, CA
2021 State APA Comprehensive Plan, Small Jurisdiction

Raimi + Associates led a team in preparing a comprehensive update to the City of Beaumont's General Plan and associated environmental review. Beaumont is on a journey to develop a long-range plan that charts the City’s future, while integrating sustainability, economic growth, fiscal transparency, and accounting for the impacts of projected population growth. The City is located at the intersection of Interstate 10 and State Route 60 in the westernmost portion of Riverside County. The General Plan embraces the community's small town feel and rural mountain setting, while positioning the City to enhance and revitalize existing commercial corridors and residential neighborhoods. The Plan also sets a framework for enhancing connectivity to the Potrero Reserve and management of habitat conservation areas within the planning area.
Identify opportunity areas for economic development and rebranding of
Prioritize key strategies, areas and improvements to support Complete Streets
and walkable, mixed-use development accessible to all users
Develop a standalone Health and Equity Element that addresses environmental
justice, health, and climate change.
Build community trust and engagement in planning process with online
outreach and engagement strategies.
Client: City of Beaumont
Timeframe: 2017-2020