East Whisman Precise Plan
Mountain View, CA
East Whisman is a 370-acre Priority Development Area in Mountain View. It is characterized by large office and R&D uses and is home to Linked In, Symantec, Samsung, Google, and more. East Whisman is served by VTA light rail and numerous public and private shuttle services. The City's 2030 General Plan identified the area as a growth/change location, calling for increased sustainability, better transit-orientation, and a greater diversity of land uses. Building off a grant from VTA, the City, R+A, and CD+A (the prime) embarked on a planning process with the following goals in mind: increasing employment near transit, improving ridership and accessibility to transit, and providing a better integration of jobs and housing.
Working closely with staff at the City of Mountain View, Raimi + Associates has led a public process that will produce a Precise Plan that includes land use development regulations, affordable housing requirements, parking standards, complete streets planning, streetscape design standards, multimodal transportation planning, and TDM requirements. The Plan is on target to be adopted in 2018.
Client: City of Mountain View
Timeframe: 2016 - present
TOD Plan that increases development intensity and the mix of uses around a VTA light rail station
Summary background report that relied heavily on GIS mapping and analysis to assess the constraints and challenges facing the plan area.
A series of public workshops to guide the content of the specific plan
Detailed development standards (such as allowed land uses, building setbacks and height limits), an incentive/bonus density program, urban design guidelines, and a list of needed public improvements.