Plan for a Healthy LA
Los Angeles, CA
2014 LA APA Award of Excellence for Innovative Use of Technology
2016 LA APA + California APA Award of Excellence: Comprehensive Plan, Large Jurisdiction

Los Angeles is the second-largest city in the United States, with an unparalleled diversity of residents, neighborhoods, and urban environments. R+A provided two staff members to the City’s Planning Department — as well as firm resources in GIS analysis, policy, and project management — to create and help implement “Plan for a Healthy L.A.”
The project created a health chapter for the Angeles General Plan along with a range of creative, innovative implementation activities. The Health and Wellness Element was adopted in 2015. The first major project deliverable was a “Health Atlas” and corresponding interactive website, illustrating citywide mapping data for over 100 health criteria and built environment conditions. The new Element includes 7 goals focusing on equity, healthy food, crime, lifelong learning and environmental pollution, among other topics. The project is currently being implemented in collaboration with the County Department of Public Health, the Mayor’s office, and multiple elected officials, community-based organizations, neighborhood councils, city departments, and local stakeholders.
Client: City of Los Angeles
Timeframe: 2012 - 2015
Map atlas with over 100 maps illustrating health conditions, land use and transportation features, and health inequities
Interactive website allowing comparative mapping and analysis between LA neighborhoods.
Health and Wellness Element with cross-cutting General Plan goals, policies, and programs.
Extensive implementation program that provides a roadmap for various city departments.