LA Metro Sustainability Services
Los Angeles County, CA

Moving Beyond Sustainability Plan
Raimi + Associates served as a strategic advisor to Metro in the development of Moving Beyond Sustainability, the Agency’s first sustainability plan. Key contributions including applying APTA guidance on Sustainability to ensure that MBS encompasses the three foundational elements of sustainability – environment, economy, and equity; refining the Vision and drafting the Guiding Principles or the plan. R+A coordinated with Metro staff to build on the Agency’s Equity Platform Framework to integrate equity as a cross-cutting issue throughout the MBS. Other contributions include developing an engagement plan for both internal and external stakeholders; identifying ways for Metro can be a vital contributor to the regional resilience network and identifying how the Agency's Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) program can contribute to achieving Metrp's sustainability and climate targets.
Sustainability Best Practices Training
Raimi + Associates developed and conducts an interactive Sustainable Design Practices training that is required for all local government projects that are funded through the Call for Projects process. Issues addressed in the training include energy efficiency, low-water landscaping, stormwater management and LID, recycledcontent materials, renewable energy generation, and LEED or Envision certification.
Client: Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Agency (Metro)
Timeframe: 2019-2020
Read the Moving Beyond Sustainability Plan here.