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Petaluma Climate Action and Adaptation Plan

Petaluma, CA


Raimi + Associates is teaming with Sherwood Design Engineers and Rincon Consultants to develop a Climate Action and Adaptation Plan (CAAP). The CAAP is Petaluma's program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in line with the City's goal of carbon neutrality by 2030. It will also identify climate adaptation measures developed in conjunction with the Petaluma General Plan Update.


The City's aggressive target requires creative problem solving, innotative solutions, and a high level of investment from the City and the community. R+A is developing detailed GHG reduction action frameworks in the clean energy, buildings, transportation and land use, waste, water, sequestration, consumption, and municipal sectors.

Client: City of Petaluma, CA

Timeframe: 2021 - 2024



  • Quantitative technical analysis of the impacts of potential GHG reduction strategies across clean energy, buildings, transportation, water resources and wastewater, solid waste, sequestration and ecosystems, and municipal sectors


  • Engagement with advisory groups and community-lead climate initiative

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