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R+A Projects Receive Awards from Regional APA Sections

Three R+A projects were recognized with 2024 regional awards from the California chapter of the American Planning Association. The Sunnyvale Moffett Park Specific Plan received an award for Excellence in Large Jurisdiction Comprehensive Planning and the Downtown Watsonville Specific Plan received an award of Excellence in the Hard-Won Victories category, both from the Northern California Section. The SBCTA SB 1000 Equity Toolkit received an award of Excellence for Best Practices from the Inland Empire Section.

Large Jurisdiction, Award of Excellence | Northern California APA

The Moffett Park Specific Plan in Sunnyvale sets a new standard for how local ecology and nature-based strategies can be integrated into a land use and development plan.


Hard-Won Victory, Award of Excellence | Northern California APA

The Downtown Watsonville Specific Plan charts a path for equitable new development that honors the community’s unique history and culture. Both received awards of Excellence from the Northern California Section.


Best Practices, Award of Excellence | Inland Empire APA

The SB 1000 Equity Toolkit was recognized by the Inland Empire Section as a valuable resource for communities in San Bernardino and statewide looking for guidance in how to center justice and equity in their plans.


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